import { ethers, network, waffle } from 'hardhat'; import { swapContractFixtureInFork } from './shared/fixtures'; import { Wallet } from '@ethersproject/wallet'; import { RubicRouterV2, TestERC20, TestMessages, WETH9 } from '../typechain'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { DEADLINE, DST_CHAIN_ID, DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, VERSION_V2, DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS, INTEGRATOR, DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN_USDC, MESSAGE_BUS_FEE } from './shared/consts'; import { BigNumber as BN, BigNumberish, ContractTransaction } from 'ethers'; import { getRouterV2 } from './shared/utils'; import { calcCryptoFees, calcTokenFees } from 'rubic-bridge-base/lib'; const hre = require('hardhat'); const createFixtureLoader = waffle.createFixtureLoader; const envConfig = require('dotenv').config(); const { ROUTERS_POLYGON: TEST_ROUTERS, NATIVE_POLYGON: TEST_NATIVE, BUS_POLYGON_MAIN: TEST_BUS } = envConfig.parsed || {}; describe('RubicCrossChainV2', () => { let wallet: Wallet, other: Wallet; let swapToken: TestERC20; let transitToken: TestERC20; let swapMain: RubicRouterV2; let router: string; let wnative: WETH9; let testMessagesContract: TestMessages; let loadFixture: ReturnType; async function callTransferWithSwapV2Native( amountOutMinimum: BigNumberish, { receiver = null, amountIn = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, dstChainID = DST_CHAIN_ID, srcDEX = router, srcPath = [wnative.address, transitToken.address], nativeIn = null, integrator = INTEGRATOR, nativeOut = true } = {} ): Promise { const { totalCryptoFee } = await calcCryptoFees({ bridge: swapMain, integrator, dstChainID }); return swapMain.transferWithSwapV2Native( receiver === null ? wallet.address : receiver, amountIn, dstChainID, { dex: srcDEX, path: srcPath, deadline: DEADLINE, amountOutMinimum }, { dex: router, nativeOut: nativeOut, receiverEOA: other.address, integrator: integrator, version: VERSION_V2, path: [wnative.address, transitToken.address], pathV3: '0x', deadline: DEADLINE, amountOutMinimum: DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN }, '10000', { value: nativeIn === null ? amountIn.add(totalCryptoFee).add(MESSAGE_BUS_FEE) : nativeIn } ); } async function callTransferWithSwapV2( amountOutMinimum: BigNumberish, { receiver = null, amountIn = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, dstChainID = DST_CHAIN_ID, srcDEX = router, srcPath = [wnative.address, transitToken.address], nativeIn = null, integrator = INTEGRATOR, nativeOut = true } = {} ): Promise { const { totalCryptoFee } = await calcCryptoFees({ bridge: swapMain, integrator, dstChainID }); return swapMain.transferWithSwapV2( receiver === null ? wallet.address : receiver, amountIn, dstChainID, { dex: srcDEX, path: srcPath, deadline: DEADLINE, amountOutMinimum }, { dex: router, nativeOut: nativeOut, receiverEOA: other.address, integrator: integrator, version: VERSION_V2, path: [wnative.address, transitToken.address], pathV3: '0x', deadline: DEADLINE, amountOutMinimum: DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN }, '10000', { value: nativeIn === null ? totalCryptoFee.add(MESSAGE_BUS_FEE) : nativeIn } ); } async function getAmountOutMin( amountIn = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, path = [wnative.address, transitToken.address] ) { const routerV2 = await getRouterV2(wallet, router); return (await routerV2.getAmountsOut(amountIn, path))[1]; } // async function getAmountIn( // amountOut = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN, // path = [transitToken.address, swapToken.address] // ) { // const routerV2 = await getRouterV2(wallet, router); // return (await routerV2.getAmountsIn(amountOut, path))[0]; // } async function getMessage( messagesContract: TestMessages, _nonce: BigNumberish, dstChainId: BigNumberish, { dex = router, receiverEOA = other.address, integrator = ethers.constants.AddressZero, version = VERSION_V2, path = [wnative.address, transitToken.address], pathV3 = '0x', deadline = DEADLINE, amountOutMinimum = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN, _receiver = wallet.address, nativeOut = true } = {} ): Promise { return messagesContract.getMessage( { dex, nativeOut, receiverEOA, integrator, version, path, pathV3, deadline, amountOutMinimum }, _nonce, dstChainId ); } // async function getID( // messagesContract: TestMessages, // _nonce: BigNumberish, // { // dex = router, // receiverEOA = other.address, // integrator = INTEGRATOR, // version = VERSION_V2, // path = [wnative.address, transitToken.address], // pathV3 = '0x', // deadline = DEADLINE, // amountOutMinimum = DEFAULT_AMOUNT_OUT_MIN, // _receiver = wallet.address, // nativeOut = true, // _srcChainId = chainId, // _dstChainId = DST_CHAIN_ID // } = {} // ): Promise { // return messagesContract.getID( // _srcChainId, // _dstChainId, // { // dex, // nativeOut, // receiverEOA, // integrator, // version, // path, // pathV3, // deadline, // amountOutMinimum // }, // _nonce // ); // } before('create fixture loader', async () => { [wallet, other] = await (ethers as any).getSigners(); loadFixture = createFixtureLoader([wallet, other]); }); beforeEach('deploy fixture', async () => { ({ swapMain, swapToken, transitToken, wnative, router, testMessagesContract } = await loadFixture(swapContractFixtureInFork)); }); it('constructor initializes', async () => { expect(await swapMain.nativeWrap()).to.eq(TEST_NATIVE); expect(await swapMain.messageBus()).to.eq(TEST_BUS); const routers = TEST_ROUTERS.split(','); expect(await swapMain.getAvailableRouters()).to.deep.eq(routers); }); describe('#WithSwapTests', () => { describe('#transferWithSwapV2Native', () => { it('Should swap native to token and transfer through Celer', async () => { await swapMain.setMaxTokenAmount( transitToken.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1000') ); const amountOutMin = await getAmountOutMin( ethers.BigNumber.from('20000000000000000000') ); const _amountIn = ethers.BigNumber.from('20000000000000000000'); await expect( callTransferWithSwapV2Native(amountOutMin, { amountIn: _amountIn, srcPath: [wnative.address, transitToken.address] }) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainRequestSent'); }); it('Should swap native to token and fail transfer through Celer', async () => { await swapMain.setMaxTokenAmount( transitToken.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1000') ); const amountOutMin = await getAmountOutMin(); await expect( callTransferWithSwapV2Native(amountOutMin, { srcPath: [wnative.address, transitToken.address] }) )'amount too small'); }); }); describe('#transferWithSwapV2', () => { it('Should swap token to transitToken and transfer through Сeler', async () => { await swapToken.approve(swapMain.address, ethers.constants.MaxUint256); await swapMain.setMaxTokenAmount( transitToken.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1000') ); const amountOutMin = await getAmountOutMin(DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, [ swapToken.address, transitToken.address ]); //const ID = await getID(testMessagesContract, (await swapMain.nonce()).add('1')); await expect( callTransferWithSwapV2(amountOutMin, { srcPath: [swapToken.address, transitToken.address] }) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainRequestSent'); //.withArgs(ID, DST_CHAIN_ID, DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, swapToken.address); }); it('Should swap token to native and transfer through Сeler', async () => { await swapToken.approve(swapMain.address, ethers.constants.MaxUint256); await swapMain.setMaxTokenAmount(wnative.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('10000')); // amountIn is 100$ const amountOutMin = await getAmountOutMin(DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN_USDC, [ swapToken.address, wnative.address ]); //const ID = await getID(testMessagesContract, (await swapMain.nonce()).add('1')); await expect( callTransferWithSwapV2(amountOutMin, { srcPath: [swapToken.address, wnative.address] }) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainRequestSent'); //.withArgs(ID, DST_CHAIN_ID, DEFAULT_AMOUNT_IN, swapToken.address); }); }); describe('#executeMessageWithTransfer', () => { beforeEach('setup for target executions', async () => { // transfer 1000 USDC await transitToken.transfer(swapMain.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000')); }); describe('target swap should emit correct event', async () => { let nonce: BN; let message: string; beforeEach('setup before swap', async () => { nonce = (await swapMain.nonce()).add('1'); message = await getMessage(testMessagesContract, nonce, DST_CHAIN_ID, { path: [transitToken.address, swapToken.address], amountOutMinimum: ethers.BigNumber.from('200000000000000000') // 0.2 eth for 1000$ is min }); }); it('should successfully swap V2 with rubic fee', async () => { await{ method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount', params: [TEST_BUS] }); const bus = await ethers.getSigner(TEST_BUS); await network.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [ bus.address, '0x152D02C7E14AF6800000' // 100000 eth ]); const _swapMain = swapMain.connect(bus); //let tokenBalanceBefore = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); await expect( _swapMain.executeMessageWithTransfer( ethers.constants.AddressZero, transitToken.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), DST_CHAIN_ID, message, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS ) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainProcessed'); let tokenBalanceAfter = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); const { feeAmount } = await calcTokenFees({ bridge: swapMain, amountWithFee: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000') }); // take only platform comission in transit token await expect(Number(tokenBalanceAfter)); }); it('should fail swap V2 with rubic fee and transfer tokens', async () => { await{ method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount', params: [TEST_BUS] }); const bus = await ethers.getSigner(TEST_BUS); await network.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [ bus.address, '0x152D02C7E14AF6800000' // 100000 eth ]); const _swapMain = swapMain.connect(bus); message = await getMessage(testMessagesContract, nonce, DST_CHAIN_ID, { path: [transitToken.address, swapToken.address], amountOutMinimum: ethers.BigNumber.from('2000000000000000000') // 2 eth for 1000$ is minOut, too much }); //const tokenBalanceBefore = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); await expect( _swapMain.executeMessageWithTransfer( ethers.constants.AddressZero, transitToken.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), DST_CHAIN_ID, message, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS ) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainProcessed'); const tokenBalanceAfter = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); const { RubicFee, feeAmount } = await calcTokenFees({ bridge: swapMain, amountWithFee: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000') //integrator: INTEGRATOR, }); // take only platform comission in transit token await expect(tokenBalanceAfter); const collectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableRubicTokenFee( transitToken.address ); await expect(collectedFee1); const integratorCollectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableIntegratorTokenFee( transitToken.address, INTEGRATOR ); await expect(Number(integratorCollectedFee1)); }); describe('target swap should take integrator & rubic fee', async () => { beforeEach('set integrator and rubic fee', async () => { await swapMain.setIntegratorInfo(INTEGRATOR, { isIntegrator: true, tokenFee: '3000', RubicTokenShare: '400000', RubicFixedCryptoShare: '800000', fixedFeeAmount: ethers.utils.parseEther('2') }); // 0.3 % message = await getMessage(testMessagesContract, nonce, DST_CHAIN_ID, { path: [transitToken.address, swapToken.address], integrator: INTEGRATOR, amountOutMinimum: ethers.BigNumber.from('200000000000000000') // 0.2 eth for 1000$ is minOut, too much }); }); it('should successfully swapV2 token to token with rubic & integrator fee', async () => { await{ method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount', params: [TEST_BUS] }); const bus = await ethers.getSigner(TEST_BUS); await network.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [ bus.address, '0x152D02C7E14AF6800000' // 100000 eth ]); const _swapMain = swapMain.connect(bus); //let tokenBalanceBefore = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); await expect( _swapMain.executeMessageWithTransfer( ethers.constants.AddressZero, transitToken.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), DST_CHAIN_ID, message, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS ) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainProcessed'); const tokenBalanceAfter = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); const collectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableRubicTokenFee( transitToken.address ); const integratorCollectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableIntegratorTokenFee( transitToken.address, INTEGRATOR ); const { integratorFee, RubicFee, feeAmount } = await calcTokenFees({ bridge: swapMain, amountWithFee: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), integrator: INTEGRATOR }); await expect(integratorCollectedFee1); // take platform comission in transit token await expect(collectedFee1); await expect(tokenBalanceAfter); }); it('should successfully swapV2 token to native with rubic & integrator fee', async () => { await{ method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount', params: [TEST_BUS] }); const bus = await ethers.getSigner(TEST_BUS); await network.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [ bus.address, '0x152D02C7E14AF6800000' // 100000 eth ]); const _swapMain = swapMain.connect(bus); //let tokenBalanceBefore = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); message = await getMessage(testMessagesContract, nonce, DST_CHAIN_ID, { path: [transitToken.address, wnative.address], integrator: INTEGRATOR, amountOutMinimum: ethers.BigNumber.from('20000000000000000') // 0.02 eth for 1000$ is minOut }); await expect( _swapMain.executeMessageWithTransfer( ethers.constants.AddressZero, transitToken.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), DST_CHAIN_ID, message, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS ) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainProcessed'); const tokenBalanceAfter = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); const collectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableRubicTokenFee( transitToken.address ); const integratorCollectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableIntegratorTokenFee( transitToken.address, INTEGRATOR ); const { integratorFee, RubicFee, feeAmount } = await calcTokenFees({ bridge: swapMain, amountWithFee: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), integrator: INTEGRATOR }); await expect(integratorCollectedFee1); // take platform comission in transit token await expect(collectedFee1); await expect(tokenBalanceAfter); }); it('should fail swap V2 with rubic & integrator fee', async () => { await{ method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount', params: [TEST_BUS] }); const bus = await ethers.getSigner(TEST_BUS); await network.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [ bus.address, '0x152D02C7E14AF6800000' // 100000 eth ]); const _swapMain = swapMain.connect(bus); //let tokenBalanceBefore = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); message = await getMessage(testMessagesContract, nonce, DST_CHAIN_ID, { path: [transitToken.address, swapToken.address], integrator: INTEGRATOR, amountOutMinimum: ethers.BigNumber.from('20000000000000000000') // 20 eth for 1000$ is min out }); await expect( _swapMain.executeMessageWithTransfer( ethers.constants.AddressZero, transitToken.address, ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), DST_CHAIN_ID, message, EXECUTOR_ADDRESS ) ).to.emit(swapMain, 'CrossChainProcessed'); const tokenBalanceAfter = await transitToken.balanceOf(swapMain.address); const collectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableRubicTokenFee( transitToken.address ); const integratorCollectedFee1 = await swapMain.availableIntegratorTokenFee( transitToken.address, INTEGRATOR ); const { integratorFee, RubicFee, feeAmount } = await calcTokenFees({ bridge: swapMain, amountWithFee: ethers.BigNumber.from('1000000000'), integrator: INTEGRATOR }); await expect(integratorCollectedFee1); // take platform comission in transit token await expect(collectedFee1); await expect(tokenBalanceAfter); }); }); }); }); }); });