Mista J df8039f494 new file: Interchain-message/.env.example
new file:   Interchain-message/.eslintrc.js
	new file:   Interchain-message/.gitignore
	new file:   Interchain-message/.prettierrc
	new file:   Interchain-message/.solhint.json
	new file:   Interchain-message/.solhintignore
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/interfaces/IBridge.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/interfaces/IMessageBus.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/interfaces/IMessageReceiverApp.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapRouterV3.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/interfaces/IWETH.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/BridgeSwap.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/RubicRouterV2.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/RubicRouterV2ETH.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/SwapBase.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/TransferSwapInch.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/TransferSwapV2.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/apps/TransferSwapV3.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/framework/MessageReceiverApp.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/framework/MessageSenderApp.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/libraries/MessageSenderLib.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/message/libraries/MsgDataTypes.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/test/MessageBusSender.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/test/TestERC20.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/test/TestMessages.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/contracts/test/WETH9.sol
	new file:   Interchain-message/deployments/
	new file:   Interchain-message/executor/config/cbridge.toml
	new file:   Interchain-message/executor/config/executor.toml
	new file:   Interchain-message/executor/eth-ks/signer.json
	new file:   Interchain-message/hardhat.config.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/package-lock.json
	new file:   Interchain-message/package.json
	new file:   Interchain-message/reports/contract_sizes.txt
	new file:   Interchain-message/reports/gas_usage/summary.txt
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deploy.js
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployAVAX.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployArbitrum.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployAurora.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployBSC.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployEth.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployFantom.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/deploy/deployPoly.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/privateKey.js
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/sendTx/avaxToFantomBridge.js
	new file:   Interchain-message/scripts/sendTx/avaxToFantomNativeV2.js
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/RubicCrossChainBridge.spec.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/RubicCrossChainV2.spec.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/RubicCrossChainV3.spec.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/RubicFallback.spec.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/RubicSettings.spec.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/shared/consts.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/shared/fixtures.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/test/shared/utils.ts
	new file:   Interchain-message/tsconfig.json
2024-07-09 17:32:00 -04:00

327 lines
12 KiB

//// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//pragma solidity >=0.8.9;
//import './TransferSwapV2.sol';
//import './TransferSwapV3.sol';
//import './TransferSwapInch.sol';
//import './BridgeSwap.sol';
//contract RubicRouterV2ETH is TransferSwapV2, TransferSwapV3, TransferSwapInch, BridgeSwap {
// using SafeERC20Upgradeable for IERC20Upgradeable;
// using EnumerableSetUpgradeable for EnumerableSetUpgradeable.AddressSet;
// event CrossChainProcessed(bytes32 id, uint256 dstAmount, SwapStatus status);
// /// @dev This modifier prevents using executor functions
// modifier onlyExecutor(address _executor) {
// require(hasRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, _executor), 'SwapBase: caller is not an executor');
// _;
// }
// constructor(
// uint256[] memory _blockchainIDs,
// uint256[] memory _cryptoFees,
// uint256[] memory _platformFees,
// address[] memory _tokens,
// uint256[] memory _minTokenAmounts,
// uint256[] memory _maxTokenAmounts,
// address[] memory _routers,
// address _executor,
// address _messageBus,
// address _nativeWrap
// ) {
// initialize(
// _blockchainIDs,
// _cryptoFees,
// _platformFees,
// _tokens,
// _minTokenAmounts,
// _maxTokenAmounts,
// _routers
// );
// nativeWrap = _nativeWrap;
// messageBus = _messageBus;
// _setupRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, _executor);
// }
// function initialize(
// uint256[] memory _blockchainIDs,
// uint256[] memory _cryptoFees,
// uint256[] memory _platformFees,
// address[] memory _tokens,
// uint256[] memory _minTokenAmounts,
// uint256[] memory _maxTokenAmounts,
// address[] memory _routers
// ) private initializer {
// __MultipleTransitTokenInit(
// _blockchainIDs,
// _cryptoFees,
// _platformFees,
// _tokens,
// _minTokenAmounts,
// _maxTokenAmounts,
// _routers
// );
// }
// /**
// * @notice called by MessageBus when the tokens are checked to be arrived at this contract's address.
// sends the amount received to the receiver. swaps beforehand if swap behavior is defined in message
// * NOTE: if the swap fails, it sends the tokens received directly to the receiver as fallback behavior
// * @param _token the address of the token sent through the bridge
// * @param _amount the amount of tokens received at this contract through the cross-chain bridge
// * @param _srcChainId source chain ID
// * @param _message SwapRequestV2 message that defines the swap behavior on this destination chain
// */
// function executeMessageWithTransfer(
// address,
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// uint64 _srcChainId,
// bytes calldata _message,
// address _executor
// )
// external
// payable
// override
// onlyMessageBus
// nonReentrant
// whenNotPaused
// onlyExecutor(_executor)
// returns (ExecutionStatus)
// {
// SwapRequestDest memory m = abi.decode((_message), (SwapRequestDest));
// bytes32 id = _computeSwapRequestId(m.receiver, _srcChainId, uint64(block.chainid), _message);
// if (_token == nativeWrap) {
// IWETH(nativeWrap).deposit{value: _amount}();
// }
// _amount = calculateFee(m.swap.integrator, _amount, uint256(_srcChainId), _token);
// if (m.swap.version == SwapVersion.v3) {
// _executeDstSwapV3(_token, _amount, id, m);
// } else if (m.swap.version == SwapVersion.bridge) {
// _executeDstBridge(_token, _amount, id, m);
// } else {
// _executeDstSwapV2(_token, _amount, id, m);
// }
// // always return true since swap failure is already handled in-place
// return ExecutionStatus.Success;
// }
// /**
// * @notice called by MessageBus when the executeMessageWithTransfer call fails. does nothing but emitting a "fail" event
// * @param _srcChainId source chain ID
// * @param _message SwapRequest message that defines the swap behavior on this destination chain
// * execution on dst chain
// */
// function executeMessageWithTransferFallback(
// address, // _sender
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// uint64 _srcChainId,
// bytes calldata _message,
// address _executor
// ) external payable override onlyMessageBus nonReentrant onlyExecutor(_executor) returns (ExecutionStatus) {
// SwapRequestDest memory m = abi.decode((_message), (SwapRequestDest));
// bytes32 id = _computeSwapRequestId(m.receiver, _srcChainId, uint64(block.chainid), _message);
// if (_token == nativeWrap) {
// IWETH(nativeWrap).deposit{value: _amount}();
// }
// // Failed status means user hasn't received funds
// SwapStatus status = SwapStatus.Failed;
// processedTransactions[id] = status;
// emit CrossChainProcessed(id, _amount, status);
// // always return Fail to mark this transfer as failed since if this function is called then there nothing more
// // we can do in this app as the swap failures are already handled in executeMessageWithTransfer
// return ExecutionStatus.Fail;
// }
// // called on source chain for handling of bridge failures (bad liquidity, bad slippage, etc...)
// function executeMessageWithTransferRefund(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// bytes calldata _message,
// address _executor
// )
// external
// payable
// override
// onlyMessageBus
// nonReentrant
// whenNotPaused
// onlyExecutor(_executor)
// returns (ExecutionStatus)
// {
// SwapRequestDest memory m = abi.decode((_message), (SwapRequestDest));
// bytes32 id = _computeSwapRequestId(m.receiver, uint64(block.chainid), m.dstChainId, _message);
// if (_token == nativeWrap) {
// IWETH(nativeWrap).deposit{value: _amount}();
// }
// _sendToken(_token, _amount, m.receiver, m.swap.nativeOut);
// SwapStatus status = SwapStatus.Fallback;
// processedTransactions[id] = status;
// emit CrossChainProcessed(id, _amount, status);
// return ExecutionStatus.Success;
// }
// // no need to swap, directly send the bridged token to user
// function _executeDstBridge(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// bytes32 _id,
// SwapRequestDest memory _msgDst
// ) private {
// require(
// _token == _msgDst.swap.path[0],
// 'bridged token must be the same as the first token in destination swap path'
// );
// require(_msgDst.swap.path.length == 1, 'dst bridge expected');
// _sendToken(_msgDst.swap.path[0], _amount, _msgDst.receiver, _msgDst.swap.nativeOut);
// SwapStatus status;
// status = SwapStatus.Succeeded;
// processedTransactions[_id] = status;
// emit CrossChainProcessed(_id, _amount, status);
// }
// function _executeDstSwapV2(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// bytes32 _id,
// SwapRequestDest memory _msgDst
// ) private {
// require(
// _token == _msgDst.swap.path[0],
// 'bridged token must be the same as the first token in destination swap path'
// );
// require(_msgDst.swap.path.length > 1, 'dst swap expected');
// uint256 dstAmount;
// SwapStatus status;
// SwapInfoV2 memory _dstSwap = SwapInfoV2({
// dex: _msgDst.swap.dex,
// path: _msgDst.swap.path,
// deadline: _msgDst.swap.deadline,
// amountOutMinimum: _msgDst.swap.amountOutMinimum
// });
// bool success;
// (success, dstAmount) = _trySwapV2(_dstSwap, _amount);
// if (success) {
// _sendToken(_dstSwap.path[_dstSwap.path.length - 1], dstAmount, _msgDst.receiver, _msgDst.swap.nativeOut);
// status = SwapStatus.Succeeded;
// processedTransactions[_id] = status;
// } else {
// // handle swap failure, send the received token directly to receiver
// _sendToken(_token, _amount, _msgDst.receiver, _msgDst.swap.nativeOut);
// dstAmount = _amount;
// status = SwapStatus.Fallback;
// processedTransactions[_id] = status;
// }
// emit CrossChainProcessed(_id, dstAmount, status);
// }
// function _executeDstSwapV3(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// bytes32 _id,
// SwapRequestDest memory _msgDst
// ) private {
// require(
// _token == address(_getFirstBytes20(_msgDst.swap.pathV3)),
// 'bridged token must be the same as the first token in destination swap path'
// );
// require(_msgDst.swap.pathV3.length > 20, 'dst swap expected');
// uint256 dstAmount;
// SwapStatus status;
// SwapInfoV3 memory _dstSwap = SwapInfoV3({
// dex: _msgDst.swap.dex,
// path: _msgDst.swap.pathV3,
// deadline: _msgDst.swap.deadline,
// amountOutMinimum: _msgDst.swap.amountOutMinimum
// });
// bool success;
// (success, dstAmount) = _trySwapV3(_dstSwap, _amount);
// if (success) {
// _sendToken(address(_getLastBytes20(_dstSwap.path)), dstAmount, _msgDst.receiver, _msgDst.swap.nativeOut);
// status = SwapStatus.Succeeded;
// processedTransactions[_id] = status;
// } else {
// // handle swap failure, send the received token directly to receiver
// _sendToken(_token, _amount, _msgDst.receiver, _msgDst.swap.nativeOut);
// dstAmount = _amount;
// status = SwapStatus.Fallback;
// processedTransactions[_id] = status;
// }
// emit CrossChainProcessed(_id, dstAmount, status);
// }
// function _sendToken(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// address _receiver,
// bool _nativeOut
// ) private {
// if (_token == nativeWrap && _nativeOut == true) {
// IWETH(nativeWrap).withdraw(_amount);
// (bool sent, ) ={value: _amount, gas: 50000}('');
// require(sent, 'failed to send native');
// } else {
// IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(_receiver, _amount);
// }
// }
// function sweepTokens(
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// bool _nativeOut
// ) external onlyManagerOrAdmin {
// _sendToken(_token, _amount, msg.sender, _nativeOut);
// }
// function manualRefund(
// bytes32 _id,
// address _token,
// uint256 _amount,
// address _to,
// bool _nativeOut
// ) external nonReentrant {
// require(
// hasRole(MANAGER_ROLE, msg.sender) || hasRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, msg.sender) || hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)
// );
// require(processedTransactions[_id] != SwapStatus.Succeeded && processedTransactions[_id] != SwapStatus.Fallback);
// _sendToken(_token, _amount, _to, _nativeOut);
// processedTransactions[_id] = SwapStatus.Fallback;
// }
// function setNativeWrap(address _nativeWrap) external onlyManagerOrAdmin {
// nativeWrap = _nativeWrap;
// }
// function setMessageBus(address _messageBus) public onlyManagerOrAdmin {
// messageBus = _messageBus;
// emit MessageBusUpdated(messageBus);
// }